My Grandfather, Grant Rogers (pictured top left), was one of the original owners of Harbour Island.  Originally purchased from the Crown in 1942, Harbour Island is a 30 acre island situated in the North Channel of Lake Huron near Manitoulin Island.  In 1943 cabins and a main lodge were built as a private corporate retreat.  It was reopened as a public resort when my Grandfather purchased the entire island in 1946.  After a tragic hunting accident in 1947 he subsequenly sold the island in 1949 to Mr. Hutchins who ran Harbour Island as a members only resort until the 1960s when it was sold again.  The resort enjoyed decades of visitors from all walks of life, including many celebrities.  Unfortunately, in the mid 1990s, the resort was essentially abandoned and has since fallen into a complete state of disrepair.   This is where I (pictured bottom left) come into the picture.  75 years almost to the day from the date my Grandfather became an owner of Harbour Island I, along with one of my best friends, have purchased this historical landmark with the intention of restoring it and once again bring it to life with visitors from around the world.  Cleanup and the addition of some dockage began last summer and we hope to have some cabins repaired by this coming summer.  The entire restoration project will take years, but we are slowly bringing this beautiful island back to life with the help of family and friends.

Rob Chandler.